Friday, April 17, 2020


Imagine if 2 souls 
Took a chance
To dare to dance
To light each other's flames
And ease each other's pains.
Imagine if these souls found each other
And United together forever
Imagine what we could do if we loved each other to no end...


Being forced apart
Kept away
No touch
No kiss
No caress
Perhaps a new appreciation will be formed
Perhaps words spoken from the soul
Perhaps we'll look in the windows
Windows of the soul
Perhaps we'll find new ways to feel someone
Actual vibing
Perhaps our words will be more kind
Perhaps this beginning anew
Begins with me and ends with you.
~JWM 4/18/20
Poetry from a quarantined soul

She Knows

So when this whole thing subsides and my freedom comes back
I shall cautiously lick my finger
Cast it to the sky.
I will let the wind of change blow me
I shall take a close listen to my heart.
I'll lay my ear to the Earth.
I'll open my eyes...
Will you be there to catch my vibe?
Will your arms be open?
Will your ears hear my words?
Will your soul feel me?
~JWM 4/18/20